Monday, April 5, 2010

Modern Meadow Has Arrived!

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Of course, to anyone who is reading this post, the announcement of Joel’s new line, Modern Meadow, being available is not new information. We’re running a little late. Again. To be honest, we were caught a little off guard when the collection started shipping in February because we thought it wasn’t going to be ready until May. Oops.

So, being that we are embarrassingly late in sharing the news of Modern Meadow and that we have obviously neglected this blog since it’s feeble introduction almost seven months ago, we would like to redeem ourselves with some new patterns and a giveaway, with the hope that you will continue to visit our now truly functioning blog.

The “Picnic Throw” pictured below is so cute (my word, not Joel’s) that I couldn’t wait to start working on it. And, just as I imagined, making this throw was sewing bliss for someone who doesn’t quite consider herself a “quilter” just yet. However, my bliss ended when Joel asked if I could hand-quilt it to give it more of a vintage look. I laughed because I thought he was joking. He wasn’t. (After 13 years of marriage, you would think I might know when he’s joking and when he’s not, but he still surprises me.)

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After I had written off Joel’s ridiculous request, I decided that maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. Let me assure you, IT WAS. Had it not been for the ridiculous amount of time I logged watching T.V. in the month of February, I would never have finished. So, if you get the hair-brained idea to hand quilt this throw as I did, remember my warning and just let the machine do the work.

Time did not allow for me to take on the much more intricate “Sunny Day Quilt”, so we are grateful for Ellen Maxwell who did, and who did an amazing job! This quilt makes me happy, but then so does everything about the entire Modern Meadow collection. We hope it makes you happy too.

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Speaking of happiness, we think a give-away, or three might just make a few people’s day. How about a collection of fat quarters of Modern Meadow in each color-way? And, hey, while we’re at it we’ll send each of the lucky winners one of the fabric birds that are featured in Joel’s new book “Sewn Spaces”, which hits stores in May.

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Ahhhh, we can feel spring just right around the corner. Or at least we thought we could until it snowed this past weekend and flared our spring fever even more dramatically. After having lived in Florida for seven years, we are accustomed to preparing idyllic Easter egg hunts for our children in bright, sunny, warm weather. It was a bit of an adjustment for us to sprint through the yard in the freezing cold on Saturday to help the kids find the eggs as quickly as possible and retreat inside 10 minutes later.

So, until it warms up here, we’re hoping you are experiencing a much warmer spring. Regardless of the weather though, Modern Meadow is sure to brighten your day, especially if you get some of it for free, right? Just leave us a comment about your favorite part of spring and we’ll announce the winners next week!

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janelle said...

My favorite time in Spring is when the brilliant blue crocus burst into flower. After the bleakness of winter that" burple" colour is a jolt to the senses.

Elizabeth said...

My favorite part of spring is the smell of blooming flowers.

Abby and Stephanie said...

The Picnic Quilts are beautiful. I love your sense of humor. Favorite thing about and doors open and NO HEAT REQUIRED!

Valerie said...

My favorite indicator that spring is here is our local ice cream shop, Gene's, finally opens and I can make my weekly visit (even when it is still so cool I need a sweater) for a medium chocolate cone!

Aminta said...

I found you, I found you! Much to my three year old son's dismay. He would much rather have me on the floor playing with him then on here.
I Adore your work, you guys are very special, and are a amazing example of Family first. Thank you for sharing with us.
Off to play on the floor and put more holes in the knee of yet another pair of jeans.
I promise to spread the word of your blog to ALL my sweet friends who also enjoy your work. AND I WILL come back to read through your blog.
Thank you so much! And God Bless you and your sweet family.

Aminta said...

Haha! I just read that this is a give away! Maybe you could extend it a TINY bit and let me post it over on my blog...... get you a few more walkers?! Either way, I am going to post it. ;)
My FAVORITE part of spring... is a few things wrapped into one.
1. the colors of spring.
2. the smell of wet grass.
3. the dirty fingers from working in the garden.
4. the warmth during the day and cozy fires in the evenings.
5. the spring frenzy to dust and shine as much as my family can handle.

OH! Thank you! You have reminded me in your desire for spring favorites, what I am looking forward to after this LONG winter!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Again, hehe.

Aminta said...

P.S. One of my very first blankets that I sold was made from your "Rose Damask in orange" with orange minky. So sweet. I have used MANY of your fabrics... and will continue to. :D

Elena said...

I'm so excited I found you guys! Your Rose Damask in Pink/Green was my very first sewing fabric for my very first bag. I still adore it and carry it everywhere. I'm actually quite obsessed with all the damasks and am hoarding them until you come up with more.
Where in Florida are you? I'm in Jupiter.

CJ said...

My favorite part of spring??? The end of it - when things FINALLY start to green up around here. I have replaced the term SPRING with BROWN, since that is what we see the most of until late May, early June. It will be great to read your blog and it would be even greater to get some of Joel's newest fabric!

Allie said...

OH MY GOSH you guys have a blog - I'm so happy! You're safely tucked in my reader now, lol!
LOVE the new quilts and the new line - the quilts re wonderful, and I think you did a fine job on the quilting.
Favorite part of spring? TULIPS! I adore tulips, can't wait to see them every year!

Jocelyn said...

My favorite part of spring is seeing everything come back to life. I love to see the flowers and trees start to bud. I love the explosion of color. Modern Meadow is just beautiful. I love the Picnic Throw!

Val Miller said...

my favorite part of spring is ... tulips!!!!! I love them. So much.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

I love how the days start getting longer and warmer in spring! Sadly we are just going into Autumn so I have a while to wait.

Lyn said...

My favorite part of spring is the explosion of color after the dreariness of winter. I love seeing everything coming into bloom.

Blogless me said...

I love seeing the first yellow bushes in full blossom. That's what says "spring" to me.

Beautiful fabrics!

Kathryn said...

My favorite part of spring is being able to you out for walks without the emcumberance of coats and gloves. It feels like freedom to just walk out the door. Thanks for the giveaway of your lovely fabric. Kathie L in Allentown

Jen said...

My favorite part of spring... is a tie between when the forsythia starts to bloom (and you know you've finally made it through winter) and when the lilacs are in full bloom (oh, the heavenly aroma).

Marie said...

My favorite part of spring is the colors. I love the many shades of green and the play of the bright pinks, lavendars, blues and even the browns. I am amazed at the colors and am still trying to figure out how to show this in a quilt.

Marie -

beth said...

my favorite part of spring is the weather! I love the warmth and sunshine!!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh, I love to hand quilt all warm and cozy under the new quilt. It looks wonderful!
The best part of Spring for me is the time change, now we can be out until 7:30 or 8:00 to enjoy the weather. thank you for the chance to win some of this wonerful fabric and the little birdie, darling!

Asiyah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Asiyah said...

He, he...hand quilting? You must really love that man. :)

My favorite part of spring is hearing the frogs croaking. Maybe not so much the frogs as knowing they are filling their bellies with these dang mosquitoes! Those things are as big as bats, lol.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Dee said...

My favorite part of spring is opening up the windows and letting the fresh air out all the mustiness of winter. How great of you to give away the fabric (and birds)!

Alisa said...

My favourite part of Spring is being able to hang my laundry outside to dry. Really. I love the smell and crispness of it!

Very nice giveaway! I'd love to play with some of this great fabric.

Kelly O. said...

my favourite part of spring is new fabric! oh and all the flowering and greening going on outside of my sewing room :)

I have been saving my pennies since first seeing this collection! love it!

Sherri said...

Love the quilts, the birds, and the fabric! I just found out about the blog as well! My favorite thing about spring is watching the new growth come out on all the plants...we have some very hot summers spring is the season we really enjoy!

Jo in TAS said...

I love spring, I come out of hybernation and get back into the garden. It's so nice to feel the sun on your skin again.

Jan said...

My favorite part of spring are all the blossoms. We have lemon, rose, nasturtiums already.

Shari said...

Spring means opening up the house for all that fresh air! And of course, living in Oz as I do, it means the Perth Royal Show and the last term of school and then Christmas! I grew up in Nebraska and having opposite seasons is still a bit of a mystery to me! I remember a childhood where spring and Easter and a new Easter dress complete with hat, bag and gloves was all wrapped up together...

Katie {My Paisley Apron} said...

Ooh, if you're still accepting comments for the giveaway, I would love love love those fat quarters! :) My favorite part of spring is... Easter; little Easter outfits; pictures of baby bunnies and newly hatched chicks; toddlers running outdoors in t-shirts to bask in the fresh spring air... all the new-ness!

Lauren H said...

Well, first it's the daffodils and crocus, followed by the forsythia and flowering quince, followed by the dogwoods, Japanese magnolias and azaleas and then, in a blink of the eye, over the course of just a couple of days, the trees have leafed out (and I love the stages and colors of the trees leafing out). Most special in Mississippi is that we have about 2days of wonderful Spring weather before it is . . . uh, summer!

Lynn said...

Not being cold, I hate cold weather. Thanks for the give-away!

Molly said...

Spring... blossoming trees, and the extreme storms we have here in the Pacific Northwest.

sandra said...

best about spring? All the beautiful bulbs flowering after a drab winter.

Anonymous said...

No heating, lovely breezes throughout the house and not too many flies or mozzies yet.

Kathy Thomas said...

I love your fabrics, quilts and your new blog! My favorite part of spring... After many years of living in the midwest I have settled in Hawaii so winter, spring, summer and fall are all absolutely and positively the best! As a teacher of second graders my favorite things about spring are:
1. May Day in Hawaii (The schools all put on elaborate celebrations complete with hula dancing, beautiful lei, and happy faces.
2. My students are just about ready for graduating to the next grade and even though I will miss them I know they are ready!
3. Summer break is just around the corner and teachers probably love summer vacation more than their students!
Kathy Thomas

Meghan said...

My favorite part of Spring is being able to open all the windows and get some fresh air blowing through the house :)

So glad you guys are blogging. I love Modern Meadow and would die if I won a FQ bundle, or one of those precious birds!

Joyful Quilter said...

My favorite part of spring is the first bloom of my roses. I have 5 bushes and they all bloom at once. A blast of color! Thanks for having such a great giveaway!

Anja said...

Ma favourite part of Spring is this special smell of plants getting to bloom soon and birds singing along early in the morning!
Your fabrics are fabulous!

Jantine said...

What I love about spring is how its smells outside. My daughter had a 2 hour training outside last week and after that she was hanging on the couch. I kept smelling outside inside and loved it!

antique quilter said...

After a long and snowy winter this year here in NJ spring for me is all about the burst of colors that the flowers bring , buds on the trees and greens that start showing in lawns. Opening the windows and letting that fresh air in the house and hearing the birds chirping and kids playing outside again....
yep a new season
thanks for a great giveaway love those birds and good for you hand quilting the quilt, it will always be a family treasure

Simone de Klerk said...

What I love about Spring is the days getting warmer and longer and the birds singing early in the morning!
I LOVE your quilts!

polly said...

I love waking up early and hearing all the baby birds calling for their mommy's to feed them. Also all the fresh smells of everything in bloom!

Miriam said...

My favourite part of Spring is the blooms and perfumes of Spring flowering bulbs.
There is nothing as gorgeous as the scent of freesias and hyacinths.

Margaret said...

Opening up the windows and smelling the warm breeze -- especially when the lilacs start blooming.

Sheri Howard said...

I found your blog, but I am not new to your fabric...your new line is beautiful! I love that the snow melts in the Spring and the days get longer!!!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

I love the sound of the birds gathering again in the morning. Spying robins in the backyard. Watching the daffodils come out. And children playing outside! Thanks for the giveaway. I really love this new line of fabric!! oh, and Spring Usually means - no more snow!!

Anonymous said...

The flowering trees and the pretty snow that they bring as those pink and white petals fall to the GREEN grass. I love the colors and smells of Spring. No more brown grass!

alobsiger said...

Modern Meadow is beautiful -- the quilts are just gorgeous! Thank you for adding more beauty to spring! My favorite parts of spring are all of the blooms and blossoms as well as quilting in the sunshine! Thanks for the giveaway!

Brenda said...

Modern Meadow is beautiful! My favorite parts of spring are seeing the yellows, pink and reds of spring flowers popping up after the drab of winter. Just those perky colors seem to liven up my spirit.

Deanna said...

Spring--being able to go outside without feeling like an overstuffed eskimo! I enjoy the freedom of spring. I guess that is what it means to me.

Thanks for such springy fabric!

Denise said...

Spring---my favorite thing is the new shoots of plants coming up thru the dirt...adding some of that gorgeous bright green to the dull, wet landscape...especially the peas in my garden! : )

Carrie P. said...

Stephanie at loft creations sent me. Your fabrics are lovely. Spring is so much fun watching everything come to life. I love all the colors which remind me of fabrics. But one of my favorite things of spring is when the trees start sprouting those little lime green leaves.

Nancy said...

OPEN WINDOWS!!! My favorite part of spring...

Jenn M said...

Oh how lovely!
My favorite part of Spring is when you you realize it is Officially Here. That's the day you stop worrying about the frost getting your tender flowers, and that no, there will not be another snowstorm. Then I can relax!

Anna said...

I just found your blog - LOVE it. I have yet to own Modern Meadow but would love the chance to be in the giveaway drawing.

I personally enjoy hand quilting... but only if I'm not up against a deadline!

Amanda said...

My favorite part of spring is opening the windows after a long winter! The fresh air feels so good.

Valentina said...

Oh Thank You!!!
Perfect Spring moment for me: when I first plant my 'jumping jack' pansies and lobelias for my sewing-room window sill... sheer delight!

rachel griffith said...

i heart watching the trees come back to life. seeing the buds on trees and watching them bloom... it just makes me happy.

Trisha said...

I love Spring and know it is coming when my Crocus flowers come out. They are always the first. That Sunny Days quilt is gorgeous. I just love the orange.

Dawn said...

My favorite part of spring is the new blossoms on the fruit trees. Of course after that comes the yummy fruit!

jennalou said...

Tulips are my favorite sign that Spring is truly here. I have a garden full of red ones that are about to burst open. It's lovely!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

To be honest I find spring to be a little fickle, but when you do actually get a lovely warm day, it can't be equaled. So nice to leave your winter coat at home. Can you tell we've had a cold damp spring!
The fabric is beautiful and the patterns are lovely!

Becca said...

My favorite part of spring is the sun starting to shine more often! And the pretty flowers blooming.

Amanda said...

oh pick just one favorite part of Spring would be impossible. the breeze through open windows. the return of the sun...kissing my pale white skin. my toes set free in flip flops. letting my girls run wild and free in the back yard. digging in the garden. and more!

Erin said...

My favorite part of the spring time is the fact that there is LIGHT again - no more darkness on the drive home from work! I can enjoy the sunshine and the green grass and the flowers (and the bugs) after dinner because there is light!! :)

~Kris~ said...

My favorite part of spring is that limey green color of grass when it first comes up. Plus redbud trees with their purple blooms. Plus the first warm days -- this is really great when you live in Wisconsin.

Lori said...

My favorite thing about Spring is seeing plants,flowers,and grass all new again. Color is coming...Its just a matter of time.

Lori said...

OOps I forgot...I was sent by Stephanie from Loft Creations.

Erica said...

OOOOOYYYYY!!!! My favorite part of spring is getting to shed my winter coat AND not having to wear socks until Fall!! I know I probably shouldn't do both of these things right away, but I think we all need to do our part to let mother nature know we are glad to see Spring and we want it to stay, right ?

Victoria said...

Oh where to begin! ... the warmth of the sun, the smell of the grass mingled with the lilacs just blooming, the sound of the birds, the laundry drying on the line... It all is so beautiful and makes me think of the line Emily says at the end of the play, Our Town, “Oh, earth, you're too wonderful for anybody to realize you..."

I love spring!

(PS. your stitched birds are delightful!)

calicodaisy said...

Wonderful new set! I loved the last set of Joel's home dec line and used the fabric to decorate in my college-age son's room. This spring is marvelous in SC, and right now it's great sleeping with cool breezy nights blowing through the windows. I would certainly love to win a set of the fabrics or the darling birds. -- michele

Willa said...

I have to admit that having fabrics chosen by someone else jump starts my creative juices!

Gets me out of my rut.

Chantel Monet said...

My favorite part of Spring is... Hanging my laundry on the line! It always smells so nice and saves us money too! We are expecting our first baby boy in September, and are using cool modern meadow for the nursery! Yay, finally a line my husband and I can agree on!!

Nancy said...

My favorite part of Spring? . . . is the day after a rain when the sky and everything is washed clean. Thanks for the giveaway. Nancy in Laguna

Jeane said...

The first signs of spring I love are pussy willows. I love your new line Modern Meadow.

Jeane said...

My favorite thing in spring is pussy willows. I love your new line Modern Meadow.

MichelleB said...

My favorite thing about spring are the spring colors! I love them. I also love your new fabric. Of course, I loved the Deer Valley line and can't seem to stop buying it!

Days and colors said...

What I like most about spring is the warmth, the green grass, blue sky, blooms and blossoms! Everything looks cheerful again.

Nikki said...

My favorite parts of spring: The smell of new grass. The warmth of sunshine. Cherry trees blossoming. But mostly, the smell of new grass.

Pamela said...

My favourite part of spring is the spring lambs frollicking, the smell of fresh cut grass and the flowers poking out their faces after hybernating all winter. Beautiful colours, smells and sensations.

patty a. said...

My favorite part of spring is longer days and blue skies. Winter can be so gray in Ohio. The new fabric line is wonderful. I love the deep navy with the gold and turquoise!

Erin Owes said...

My favorite part of spring is the longer day! Followed by the general feeling of life returning-hummingbirds, butterflies, new growth on the plants and my Daphne and meyer lemon covered in blossoms.

Frieda said...

My favorite part of spring is the pretty flowers popping up and blooming.

John said...

I'd love to throw my hat in the ring for the Modern Meadow fat quarters! My favorite part of Spring is digging the flip-flops out of the bottom of the closet and wearing them on days when it's really a bit too chilly to be wearing them ... but loving the fresh air on my bare feet anyway!

Corrie said...

My favorite part about spring is not having to worry about snow! I love warm weather. I also love Modern Meadow! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mel said...

Well although we are entering Autumn in my neck of the woods my favourite part of spring is seeing the new growth that seems to pop up over night! Also eating dinner outside again ;)

Gorgeous fabrics by the way!

Melanie said...

I ADORE the Modern Meadow collection and cannot wait for the book! Thank you for all the inspiration! Favorite thing about Spring...COLOR!! The yard is full of tulips and azaleas in full bloom and I love the sight of all the fabulous color.

Allie said...

I love Spring! I love to see all the flowers and new growth. Spring feels so promising.
I'm looking forward to the book. Thanks for the chance to sin some of your beautiful fabric! I've got my fingers crossed!

Karamat said...

My favorite part of Spring is just being able to enjoy a few minutes outside each evening with my husband, daughter and dog. We live in HOT and humid South Texas where pretty soon you'll melt just stepping out of the A/C, so we make a point of enjoying every little bit of outdoor time we can get right now.

kelly lautenbach said...

Spring? I love the smell of the fresh and new... I'd be SO excited to win this fabric. :) YUM!

Katie said...

I love Spring and Spring flowers. Spring weather is my favorite, I love the temperature and the occasional rain.

As a side note, Modern Meadow is probably my most favorite collection of fabric ever. I love it all! The pieces I have got in person make me want bolts and bolts of it. I ordered a bunch of the blue and the pink for a quilt for my bedroom, but I like that picnic throw a lot too.

Kimberly said...

Beautiful quilts! The hand quilting looks gorgeous on the blue one. Good for you for sticking to it!
I love opening up my windows in spring. It's like airing the whole house out after being shut up all winter. I love feeling/ smelling the breeze flowing through.

Jennie said...

My favorite part of spring is planting my vegetable garden! I can hardly wait for that first home-grown salad of the year :)
~ Jennie

Hiedy said...

My favorite things about spring are the return of the birds and their chirping, daffodils and everything green that pokes out of the garden.

Anonymous said...

my favorite part of spring is short sleeves! That means we can be outside playing without having to bundle up. Love the beautiful new fabric. :)

K said...

I think I love everything about spring, or I did when I lived somewhere that really got one. Where I'm at now, though, every time you THINK spring is here, you're bound to get a random snow storm (just this past weekend, for example) that stunts the growth of all the spindly tulips that have been pushing their way up.

One of the previous commenters said the end of spring is her favourite bit, and maybe that's mine now too, when finally it's summer and I know I won't get hit with any winter weather out of the blue.

Kristin said...

I love the possibility of spring. I plant my herbs and veggies and wait to see what the season will bring me.

Sierra said...

My favorite part of spring is the very beginning, when the daffodils bloom. :)

Jewel said...

I love the new line... the minute I saw it I had to have some... My favorite thing about spring is the cherry blossoms. Ever since I lived in Washington DC and went to the cherry blossom festival I have been in love with them... thank heaven we have a lot of them around our little neighborhood here in CA.

Jewel said...

I love the new line... the minute I saw it I had to have some... My favorite thing about spring is the cherry blossoms. Ever since I lived in Washington DC and went to the cherry blossom festival I have been in love with them... thank heaven we have a lot of them around our little neighborhood here in CA.

Ginger said...

Trees full of blooms make me very happy!
And I love your new line! Great colorways and prints.

Jane said...

Ah, pure bliss, SPRING = new beginnings + everything feels so fresh!

I just finished making a baby sling out of the Sunflower Sunglow and each stitch was enjoyed because of working with this fabric!

To win some of these delightful fat quarters would be bliss indeed!

Kati said...

I love how resilient spring flowers are. My daffodils started blooming in March and got snowed on several times throughout the month, but they just kept on trying to be beautiful. The blooms would hang under the weight of the snow, but as it melted they would perk back up again. I like to think of that when life gets heavy.

teaginny said...

my favorite part of spring is being able to get my toddler nad preschool aged boys out of the house into the yard to play! we are also starting a small garden together.
I LOVE modern meadow, btw. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!

Cris A said...

My favorite part of spring believe it or not has to be BLEACHER BUTT! I have 3 boys and for the last 14 yrs I always have 2 that start baseball this time of year! I love watching them play :)
I HAVE to have this fabric!! It's just perfect for a hexagon quilt along that I've joined!
Thanks for the chance to win!

julia said...

Hmmmm...yummy fabrics! They're just gorgeous!!!
My favourite part of spring? Being able to walk through the streets without shrugging (?) my shoulders, smelling the 'fragrance of spring', hearing the birds twittering away in the trees which show the first signs of green...but most of all (I guess): starting something completely new & fresh (after having done the obligatory spring cleaning - literally & figuratively).
Thanks for sharing!
Julia from Germany

Jennifer said...

Besides my birthday (turned 30 3 weeks ago!), my favorite part of spring is all the beautiful flowers that make our Arizona desert come alive. I love the colors and smells, even if my allergies are not a fan. This year is the greenest I've ever seen the desert from all our winter rain. I think a trip to the Bontanical Gardens is in order this weekend!

Caillean said...

My favorite part of spring is to be woken up in the morning by birds and sunshine instead of the alarm clock. And the smell of fresh mown grass.

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

My fav part of spring is the obvious end to the snow & cold here in Minnesota, and also planting my containers & hanging baskets for the summer...I love combining all the bright colors/textures (kinda like quilting!) Thanks for the giveaway!

tracy_a said...

How wonderful to HAVE a hand-quilted picnic quilt - even if it was a ton of work!

We had our first picnic yesterday - just pb&j on the lawn, but it was a picnic!

Megs said...

Well this spring it is the fact that my 4th child will be born and my first born turns 5. Other than that (here in Australia) seeing the beautiful Jacaranda trees come out in full purple bloom - just divine!

Vicki said...

My favorite part of spring is the arrival of longer days.

ilovebabyquilts said...

Joel, I love your fabric so much! The birds from Aviary are what got me really going into designer fabric only. I now look down upon my regular quilt store fabric in the most haughty and unflattering manner. I love everything you put out!!!

Down here in Texas we've been in spring for quite some time. I love the wildflowers, they're everywhere.

moira said...

oops - i left a comment on the post above as well - sorry. Loving this fabric :)

DianeY said...

We don't really have a spring, per se, in Hawaii. But my husband brought me home a beautiful bunch of daffodils so I know spring has sprung on the mainland!

Gwyneth said...

quiltdad sent me over! favorite part of spring is getting to sit outside for my lunch break!

Trish said...

Ooh...My favorite part of spring are the day old chicks! I can't wait to see their cute little peeping faces here soon. My babies are coming in during the beginning of May.

This fabric line is absolutely fabulous, and I can't pick a favorite colorway! I love the chickens you made with it, too.

karen said...

I love the burst of color come spring time. After months of brown and grey it's so wonderful to see bright yellow, purple, blue and green popping from the ground in forms of crocus (croci?), bluebells, fresh grass...

Just LOVE your new line! As a total aside, I used your woodgrain fabric in a baseball themed quilt for my guy and the fabric really pulled the whole thing together.

Kudos on handquilting the picnic throw! It DOES add something special to a quilt. I have yet to try it but am inspired now.

~Michelle~ said...

Can I just say that I love the plaids in Modern Meadow? That's my favorite print, I think it's kind of geeky! :) PS - congrats on the book, it looks beautiful!

RazakFamily said...

My all time-favorite thing of spring is a rainy day with the windows open!! I love the smell of spring and rain :) we added chickens said...

I love you fabrics and I am delighted to have discovered your blog (thank you Quiltdad!) My favorite thing about spring? It is looking out for all the plants and flowers as they re-appear in my garden (especially the peonies I planted last year) and watching the birds at our feeder don their more brilliant spring and summer feathers.

bruinbr said...

I discovered your blog through quilt dad and am so happy that I did! :) Just eye candy everywhere! My favorite part of spring has got to be the sunshine and cherry blossoms! Unfortunately, I am not much of a fan of the allergies :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Stacey said...

just came to your blog for the first time, pretty cool!! my fave time about spring is the kids can go out to play and i get a little more sanity time, (i have 4 of them), your fabric is so pretty!!

Katrin said...

I love it when the squirrels are out again and tease my poor kitty by being so active and funny in front of our window. I just don't love her paw prints on the glass but I have to live with that.

Mel said...

Just found your blog but have loved your fabric for awhile! My favourite part of spring is being able to play with the kids outside. Thanks for the chance!

Glenda said...

my favorite part of spring is the smell of a clean house, open windows and doors, and the blooming of spring flowers. love your fabric and birdies.

Ashley said...

love the blog, and all the great projects with modern meadow! I only have a few pieces of the line so far, so thanks for the chance to win a bit more! My favorite part of spring has got to the day when leaves start appearing on trees. I love it!

Lise said...

Thanks for the chance; the fabrics look beautiful! My favorite part of spring is my near-obsessive meanderings around the garden, looking for the latest developments.

Lauren said...

I love seeing tulips bloom and finally letting the kids outside for some much needed playtime and sunshine. I love mowing the grass and working in our vegetable garden.

I also love your fabrics! Beautiful!

silversmith said...

fantastic colors!!!

i love spring - the colors emerging from trees and flowers (and the dead grass) always seem to glow happiness. plus, we have longer days of sunshine, so i can get outside more.

Anonymous said...

My favorite harbinger of spring is the cheerful daffodils and crocus that dot my background. When I see them, I know the other plants in my garden won't be far behind!

Katie Bishop said...

My favortie thing of spring is the little birds that start to visit my feeder again!


Kelly said...

My favorite part of spring is daylight! In Minnesota, the winter is long and dark (not as bad as, say, Sweden, so I shouldn't complain), and when spring comes, I get to experience daylight hours again. And the birds start to sing in the morning while I'm getting ready. So cheerful.

two hippos said...

Flowers!! The tulips that just popped up in the yard are my favorite part of spring. And I love the modern meadow collection; it's gorgeous.

kate said...

I love the smell of spring, the feel of fresh warm (well, warmer than winter in Michigan) when I walk outside in the morning, the longer days! I love waking up early (before my husband) opening the window and having a few hours for sewing before the "rest of the world" interupts me.

Nicole Follow the White Bunny said...

I just came to your website through 'Quiltdad's blog. I'm an embroiderer first but I like to quilt too (but I'm not very good at it yet). Joel's Woodgrain fabric( especially the yellow colourway) is my favourite patterned fabric to embroider on EVER! (currently working on something using this fabric, it's on my blog)
My favourite part of spring must be hearing the birds sing early in the morning, going out without taking your coat and embroidering and sewing by daylight!
Thanks for this great giveaway! :)

Heather said...

Favorite part of spring??? Flowers, smell of cut grass, fresh air, sunshine, my birthday :) This year I am especially loving that I get to show it all to my little ones. Trying to maker them understand the difference between daffodils and dandelions is great fun :)

Shevvy said...

I love when the daffodils arrive and start nodding their heads at you. They always seem happy and friendly to me; not pretentious like some other blooms.

Amy Friend said...

My favorite parts of spring are getting into the garden again, waiting for my son's bus without a coat in the sunshine, walks and trips to the park and open windows!

Angelina S. said...

Love this new collection! So beautiful!


melissa said...

simply stunning! love the turquoise and orangey-red color combo in the quilt!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of Spring is when the forthisia blooms a bright yellow and it remains cold outside until June LOL !!!!Thanks for the fat quarters this fabric line is scrumptious !

Lisa said...

My favorite part of spring is that our african bombax tree flowers. In Hawaii it is pretty temperate climate so we don't notice the weather so much, definitely not as much as growing up in the northeast!! I have just found your blog, and love it!!

Bea said...

My favorite part of spring is having everything turn green and lovely, the gardens beginning to bloom, and the lovely scent of fresh mown grass in the breeze through the open windows.

Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Unknown said...

My favorite part of spring is seeing the lively new fabric lines and dreaming up patterns to use them for!

I can't wait for the book to come out, and congrats on such a beautiful fabric line. :)

Deb Robertson Writes said...

It's actually autumn where I am (Christchurch, New Zealand) and my favourite part of autumn is the amazing colours! Just in case you disqualify me for that, my favourite part of spring is feeling warmth in the sunshine on your skin!

Unknown said...

Spring is my favorite because of all of the new colors. There is beauty in every corner I look.

I am in love with the new line. It could not be more beautiful.

Moving to Europe said...

gosh, i love EVERYTHING about spring!! well, except for the return of mice in our home. but i'll live with the mice after this horribly long harsh winter in germany.
the kids get to run out for hours on end again every day. it's glorious! we all sleep better. :)
i love working on our garden. the colors, the scents... icecream, sandals, sunglasses, the feeling of sunrays on my shoulders while i embroider in the yard... sigh.
i've always loved spring, but this year i'm even more aware of it.
everything comes alive, the birds chirp so loudly here, some people would consider it noise polution, i just think it's wonderful. everything around me is rejoicing! wooohoooo!!! spriiiiiiiiing!:)

love the look of the book, btw. can't wait! ;)

Amy Sp said...

My favorite part of Spring is seeing the flowers blooming! And I planted my first garden this Spring, which is pretty exciting too.

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

How exciting - I've only just realised that you have a blog...although your new book has been on my wishlist ever since it appeared on Amazon - I can't wait to see it when it comes out.

My favourite things about spring are eating the first outdoor icecreams of the year with my children, watching the birds that nest above my little boy's window making their first flights from the guttering to the silver birch tree a short distance away, sewing with sunlight finally pouring in through the windows and taking photographs on the spur of the moment, rather than waiting for some sun to appear....which can be a very long wait...far too much loveliness to list without writing an entire blog post in your comments section really.

Congratulations on the beautiful new line of fabrics, Florence x

Jessica said...

My favorite part of spring is the return of the birds.

Cristina said...

My favorite part of spring is the warm days and the cool nights. I love snuggling up at night, but love short sleeves during the day.

♥Duff said...

My favorite part of spring is when we have an unseasonably warm day and I rush to hang the sheets out on the line. When I sleep between them that night, I invariably dream of running through fields of flowers under a warm sun. I awaken refreshed and ready to create!

Moose on the Porch Quilts said...

Just found out about your blog from Quilt Dad. My favorite part of spring is when it is warm enough for everyone to play outside without coming in wet and/or muddy. But I have to tell you that I used the red of Deer Valley in one of my patterns in my latest quilt book, "Simply Charming Kids," that is almost to the printer. My brother fell in love with the fabric so much so that his wife immediately ordered the fabric and made him one. And I have designed another quilt for the blues and greens in Modern Meadow. I am anxiously awaiting the fabric in the mail so I can get started on it. That one is being published by a different company so it probably won't be out until next year. So thanks for giving us some great fabric to play with!

Mendi said...

I love spring... all the flowers, fresh cut grass, more sunshine... but I'm always ready for fall to arrive as well. What a great giveaway.. I must say you are a beautiful model.

stitchinpenny said...

The other day I wrote in my very non crafty blog about my love of awakening to the sound of birds singing and the smell of water in the air, The cool weather for me as a Florida girl is amazing, especially this year since spring lasted more than 20 minutes. The colors of the trees that bloom with the pale pinks and white with green and yellow centers doesn't hurt either.

Puk said...

I just love when you can drop the coat and walk around just in a shirt. You can really feel the weather that way - ahhh :)

web @ bakblog . dk

wardstorms said...

I love the blossoms on all the trees and appearance of many birds in our backyard.

Kanina said...

This year my favourite part of spring has been wearing my slip on shoes without any socks!

Kaye Prince said...

I think my favourite part of Spring is when the tulips just start to bud, and also when it's finally warm enough that I can wear a skirt without stockings!

Unknown said...

the first freshly cut lawn of the season...I love that smell.

Joy said...

My favorite part of spring is seeing (and hearing) all the little baby birds hatching in their nests. Great job on the new's beautiful!

mennikelly said...

My favorite part of spring is when it finally is light for long enough to go on a walk after work.

Tara said...

Wow! you're sure to have a few new comments as John has blogged and sent us over here! Beautiful fabrics and can't wait to see the book!

Danielle said...

My favorite thing about spring is the very first day that the sun touches your skin and you feel it's warmth. It's so comforting know that winter is over and the heat will soon be here (even though I'm in Texas, and we didn't really have any substantial winter weather where I am).

Leila said...

I love sitting on the front porch swing looking at the tulips - while the kids entertain themselves for hours in the sandbox...heaven!

Lorraine said...

I really miss the tiny lime leaf buds that cover the deciduous trees , I live in a sub tropical area & it's now autumn for me .
This week I made up some pillows using some of the majestic oak print .
It looks fab !!
I would love to be in the draw for the fat quarters , thanks.

dolores said...

Ah...but your hand quilting really DID make it special!;)

Spring....gotta say the best thing for us is 3 April birthdays....hubbie on the 5th, son on the 8th and daugthter on the 9th. Yep...they always get an Easter themed cake!;)

JaneRH said...

Spring is such a great time of year for me...I get to play in the dirt (as a professional gardener) and it's my birthday...on 4/20. Love Modern Meadow...great colors and designs.

QuiltyBee said...

Despite the killer tree pollen, I just love the smell of outdoors, which we can finally let into the house! And the bird songs, definitely the bird songs. Beautiful fabrics.

yahaira said...

I LOVE both quilts! I can't believe you hand quilted the throw, I don't have the patience for that. :)

my favorite part of spring is those crisp mornings and cool sunny days right when the season is changing. summer is still a distant time and you can still wear a light sweater and drink some hot tea in the morning.

Sarah A. said...

I love when the leaves are just bursting out of their buds, all krinkly and acid green. And spring rain that washes away all the dust and grime residue from winter.

Emma said...

My favourite part of spring is the blooming of my dutch irises around my son's brithday. Of course, that's still 6 months away here!

Bec Clarke said...

The smell of freshly cut hay here on our farm. And the smell of a storm before it rains. We get alot of both in the spring here.

Bec Clarke said...

The smell of freshly cut hay here on our farm. And the smell of a storm before it rains. We get alot of both in the spring here.

Alissa said...

I can't decide which I love more: the smell of rain, the look of lilacs, or the way that crab apple blossoms fall in the wind like snow. It's all so great after a long snowy winter in MN!

Little Miss Shabby said...

Wonderful giveaway! I had to purchase some of this fabric as soon as it came out so I would definitely love to add some more goodies to my little stash. =) My fave part of Spring is the warmer weather--so glad to be rid of the cold and snow. =)

Aimee said...

My favorite part of spring is to get to be outside with my family all day long and spur of the moment fun, fun, fun!!

Grey Cat said...

My *new* favorite part of spring is being able to take my two year old son out on walks. We live very close to a large park with excellent bike paths and hiking trails, and he just loves the outdoors, something I want to continue to foster as he gets older.

Otherwise, I still look forward to spring rainstorms.

Allison said...

My most favorite part of spring is when the daffodils and forsynthia are blooming. Yellow is such a happy color!

sbmeeks said...

I love the warm weather! Winter can get kinda cold in OK and the summer can get really hot. Spring is just perfect!


KarrieLyne said...

My favourite part of spring is the warm air, the sun on your face and the smell of lilacs. :)

Megan said...

My favorite part of spring (at least this year) is when it's over! For some reason my eyes swell up and my nose starts running the second I walk out the door. This is a new thing and never bothered me before, but this year it's bad! Normally I just love all the greenness and sunny days when it's not too hot and humid. These days, I'm staying cooped up in the house with my sewing machine!

thehummingcat said...

So, so pretty, I love all of the prints, especially the orange and blue combo, to me that screams Spring. Heading into Winter here, would love for Spring to roll back around, Spring = Summer Sun.

Kersten said...

I LOVE this line. It is a toss up...spring or fall.

Deb said...

Spring time = mulch time! I love freshening the mulch in all my flower beds. This year 3 dump trucks worth of mulch arrived, and we're working on spreading the 3rd load. I love it! Thank you so much for the giveaway.

Kristen said...

My apple tree blooming and everything green! Lovely fabric and my goodness, I think I am going to buy that book by just looking at the cover!

Melissa said...

I think my favorite part of spring is smelling all the new scents that have been hidden away all winter. That, and the fact that 65 degrees feels SO WARM compared to last fall when that same temperature felt SO COLD!! :o) It's all about perspective.

Leigh said...

My favorite part of Spring, now that I live in Wisconsin, is when that last stubborn pile of snow finally melts and things start to turn green again. After so many months of brown and grey, the color is SO welcome!

Jessica Hanley said...

The best part of spring is when I see the first signs of it such as the first daffodils blooming and the first robin hopping about. It's the little things like that I love.

Karen said...

I love the new line!

My favorite part of spring is when all the plants around our house start blooming-the little pink blossoms on the trees, the buds on the rose bushes, the purple lilies popping up. It's so refreshing!

Anonymous said...

My favourite part of spring is the fresh asparagus, YUM !! Although the flowers blooming on the Apricot tree would come in a close second.

Quilt Dad lead me here, great to see a new blog I can add to my reader. Love the new Modern Meadow line, I've been coveting some for a while.

momto2wasd said...

My favorite part about spring is the flowers. The dogwoods! I just love, love, love your new line and the colorways--especially the blue and aqua. I've been doing very well on my "fabric diet" but this kicked me off the wagon. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Love the little birds! I think the best bit about spring is how the colours just seem so fresh and new. Plus there are tulips, little lambs, the first hint of the warmth of summer and my wedding anniversary. It is totally my favourite season!

Copper Patch said...

I love the new growth and feeling of a fresh start in spring. You can't beat beautful bulbs blooming too. Love your new range.

Fran said...

How could you go past a garden full of beautiful freesias with their heady scent filling the air - as we are on the cusp of winter down here in Oz - oh spring how I am already longing for you.........

Melinda said...

My favorite thing about spring is the chance to put away my ugly winter boots and get my cute shoes back on!

Scott at the Blue Nickel said...

okay so picking ONE favorite thing about spring would be hard, but if I were to pick one, it is when the frogs start croaking. One evening every spring my wife or I will be the first to notice, and there is a huge rush in our hearts as we realize, "it's here, Spring is coming" there may be frosts after that, but New Life is just around the corner...every year without fail, and the hope of that infuses all the rest of life for me...

Anonymous said...

I was alerted to your blog by QuiltDad(.com) and added it to my reader. I'm excited because I love Joel's fabric designs. They are so different from everything else out there.

Favorite thing about Spring? The feeling that everything is new again, makes you feel like you can do anything!!

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