Tuesday, April 26, 2011
I can't believe Quilt Market is in TWO WEEKS! I'm getting really excited, especially after the progress we made this past week and seeing how everything is coming together.
This will be my first experience ever attending and I've been peppering Joel with question after question. My queries have had anything to do with the setup and school house before the show begins to what to expect during the show and whether or not he'll be embarrassed when he introduces my tongue-tied self to Anna Maria Horner or Amy Butler. Just kidding on that last one. I'm sure I'll be completely cool and composed.
As I mentioned, this was a very productive week for us, thanks to the help of a few very talented friends who helped us out with sewing, watching our kids, modeling and editing pattern instructions. We will be introducing 5 sewing patterns at the show and had our friend, Angie model the two dresses for us. She was such a sport to put up with Joel and I as we directed her every movement during two different shoots. We feel fortunate that both shoots worked out so well because the weather was insane! A torrent of sleet and rain would be falling one minute and then it would be sunny and calm ten minutes later.

By the way, I did get my way with the family photo shoot on Easter. I feel kind of badly that I resorted to using Mother's Day as the crowning piece to my convincing argument. As soon as I mentioned that all I wanted for Mother's Day was a beautiful family portrait to hang in our living room, he acquiesced. I can't wait to see how the images turned out, even though our three-year-old was more interested in sticking out his tongue than smiling. As soon as I have them, I will post some images from the shoot so you can see the "Junior Meadow Spirit Skirt" pattern. All of the patterns will be available in June.
I'm off to make some double-welt cording for the GORGEOUS chair Joel has covered in the green Blockprint Blossom from the Sapphire colorway. It has inspired an entirely new design scheme for our living room.

Friday, April 8, 2011
Despite the fact that I'm so ticked off because it's snowing again, my spirit is soaring. Our advance yardage of Heirloom in the voile substrates showed up on the doorstep this morning, and oh-my-goodness, I'm about to thrust myself into a sewing frenzy! This stuff is absolutely gorgeous, and will look so stunning in the two dress patterns we will be releasing next month at Quilt Market. My head is spinning right now with all kinds of ideas for these prints. I've never actually sewn anything with voile, and now that I have 12 3-yard cuts of this luscious fabric, I know it's not enough for everything I want to do. But, if I have my way, there WILL at least be a family photo shoot (yes Joel, just embrace the experience) with us all dressed in our Easter best, which for this year will include ties, dresses and skirts made out of the voile and cotton prints in the Sapphire colorway. Oooohhh, I can't wait!