Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Joel and I have been "missing in action" on this blog for a while. I wish we had some really good excuse, like “we spent the last two months on vacation in Hawaii”, or “we’ve been spending all of our extra time reading classical literature to our children”, or “we’ve been revamping our entire website, printing patterns, and finishing our studio space.”
Actually, that last one is true. We’ve been extremely busy, just not visibly so here on the blog. I’ve also been going through a weird nesting phase during the past month or so. Every room in the house is getting a major deep-cleaning and reorganization makeover. Maybe I’ll post photos in the near future once I’m completely done.
At the time of Quilt Market we promised to post the pattern and instructions for the Heirloom Quilt; it's finally up in the sidebar for download. I think this is my favorite quilt design of Joel’s. In fact, I’m making another one out of the Sapphire collection for our daughter Kirsten’s soon-to-be-made-over room. I’m really excited to get started in there!
With the new studio space almost complete, the website up and going, and patterns shipping we (and when I say “we”, I’m really saying “I”) should hopefully be more consistent in posting here because I have a lot of fun post ideas in store!
And, to celebrate the renewal of our blogging activity and our new sewing patterns, we'd like to give away one of each pattern, like the fabulous Empire Maxi Dress shown below. Leave a comment to be entered for the giveaway, and we'll announce the winners some time next week!

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I really like your Meadow Spirit Skirt
pattern as well as the inflight hobo bag. Fabulous! :)
I really like this dress - it would be a first for me sewing clothes, its all been quilts so far!
I am planning on making your heirloom quilt, it looks great for showing off bigger prints :)
I haven't sewn anything but quilts for a long time. I think these patterns would jump-start me.
the Vintage Flutter Dress is my fav!
They are all lovely, but I especially love the Flutter Dress. And the new quilt pattern is stunning!
Very nice! Thank you!
I have my newly purchased stack of Citrine sitting on my cutting table just waiting to be cut into...still in admiration phase though! ;)
I hope that you post a picture of the Sapphire version of that quilt - that is my favorite colorway of Heirloom.
Like a few others, I mostly just sew up quilts these days. A great pattern would be the kick in the pants I need to try something else :)
Oh I love your new patterns! I also love the quilt, I think I may make that up in a set of fq's that I have sitting around here. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yay! I have the pattern for the Maxi dress on my wish list! Hopefully I'll get lucky and it will end up on my to-do list instead :) Thanks for the giveaway! Come deep clean my house next?
your dress patterns are so stupendous!
LOVE that Heirloom quilt! THANKS for the chance at the dress pattern!
The new sewing patterns are fantastic! Thank you so much for this opportunity! :)
I have been looking for a good maxi dress pattern. This one looks great! Also, LOVE the Heirloom collection!
You have been missed! Looking forward to seeing pictures of all your redo's in the future.
Oh I love your patterns, what a fun giveaway!
The Empire maxi dress is soooooo cute. I would love to win it. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Pick me! Pick me! I've been dying to make the Flutter Dress!! I've loved it ever since I saw pictures from the quilt market.
I love sewing SEW would love to win any of the patterns!
Thank you for the lovely giveaway :D
Glad to hear things are busy, busy in the Land of Dewberry. Love the new Heirloom fabrics terribly and hope to have them all one day. I'd be thrilled to win a pattern so please enter me in the draw. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!
Gorgeous patterns!! I absolutely LOVE the Heirloom collection...such beautiful prints and colors! Thank you for the giveaway.
nice! maxi dresses are so in right now! thank you!
Love the maxi dress! Good work y'all!
Welcome back and thank you for the Heirloom pattern. The maxi dress is great as well as your Inflight Hobo Bag!
Thank you for the chance to win.
really love the patterns, they look so great! i'd love to try them out! thanks for the giveaway!
I love the maxi dress pattern! thanks for sharing!
I've been working through projects in Joel's book, Sewn Spaces, and recently made the reversible fabric box. I used one of the bird fabrics that I really enjoy. (see Thanks for this opportunity, and for great designs!
Pick me!
Fantastic patterns, the flutter dress caught my eye
I love the latest Heirloom collection and have been drooling all over it and I love the flutter dress!! It's so cool!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I just found your website and blog! I love the fabrics you have- especially the aviary 2 collection. I also love your patterns- the dresses are so cute!
I love all these patterns, especially the maxi dress and the vintage ruffle dress. Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the empire maxi dress!
Glad you're back to blogging :)
alli b
How generous! I am partial to the retro vibe of the flutter dress, but all the patterns look great. akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com
Eeek! So excited for your new patterns! Especially the dresses. Thanks for the free quilt pattern :)
love that dress! looks so gorgeous and comfortable!!
muchas gracias!
I love, Love, LOVE the look of that dress - awesome!
I love the flutter vintage dress and the Hobo Bag and of course all of your fabrics. Thanks Sandra
Count me in. I love me a maxi dress - not many patterns are great for my curvy figure.
I wouldn't even be able to choose which pattern I like the best :) And I'm loving the entire Heirloom line!
Just love my Heirloom Ruby collection. Am currently working on the cutting out of the quilt to put together. Love the fabrics and patterns.
that quilt is FAB! glad y'all are back - but you should take that vacation to Hawaii soon, I bet you both NEED it
Oh, I've been dying to get my hands on a couple of your dress patterns!! Thanks for the giveaway!! :)
ooh, thanks for the giveaway!
*gasp*!! yes please!! that maxi dress would be my pick!
Oh wow, I have all your patterns on my wish list and wish my LQS's would stock your patterns and fabrics. I love your new line of fabric and it's so inspiring to see what others have made with the line. Thanks for this amazing giveaway!!!
I love all of your pattern. Your Vintage Flutter Dress pattern would have to be my favorite (if I had to pick)! Of course Heirloom is one of my favorite lines. I bought one colorway thinking that would satisfy me...nope...had to get more from the other colorways!
Welcome back! I am just in love with Joel's Heirloom line - such rich, wonderful colors and designs. This maxi dress pattern is great and I love the Vintage Flutter dress pattern too. I'm newly sewing clothes lately, so will have to put these on my wish list! Thanks for the chance to win :)
I love the inflight hobo bag. I'm itching to make some bags...thanks for the chance to win!
Welcome back we have missed you :). Love the new patterns and the breath taking beautiful new fabric collection
I love Heirloom, especially the Chrysanthemum prints (all three colour ways). I think that the Pendant quilt pattern would also look really good with Heirloom. And matching pillows. And perhaps a dress with matching purse. The day needs to have more than 24 hours.
The Empire Maxi dress will be going to Mexico with me next winter. Now I just need to decide which of the Heirloom fabrics to use ..... And then I have to decide which of the Home Decs to use for my new travel bag.
I love your inflight hobo bag pattern! I would love to make one!
Glad to see you're back! I'd sure love to win one of your great patterns--it's time for some new clothes around here. :-)
Beautiful Dress and quilt! And the Heirloom fabric line is absolutely gorgeous! Great giveaway :)
Welcome back! It's so easy to get out of the habit of blogging and hard to get back in! It's summer holidays here and children are taking up all my time! The patterns are delicious - thanks for the chance to win.
Oh I'm so excited! I love your patterns and I can't wait to try these new ones!
Glad you've been keeping busy. I'd love to win one of your patterns to keep me busy too, Kathie L in Allentown
I have been drooling over the quilt and the dress ever since I saw it on your "Quilt Market" post. SWOON!
Thank you for posting the patterns & instructions for the Heirloom Quilt. I love it, It's gorgeous!
I just got the patterns of "Meadow
Spirit Skirt" & "Vintage Flutter
dress" from you today. I love the
step-by-step instructions that will
be very helpful.I bought my very first sewing machine -Elna 3007-
3 month ago and "Sparrows" & "Lodge
Lattice" from Aviary 2 collection
were my first fabrics I bought and made an apron used the pattern from
"Sewn Spaces". I'm very excited about making the skirt and the dress now. Hope to be able to order
Joel's fabrics from your web site
in the near future. Thank you!
I love the meadow spirt skirt! I sew and quilt many different things but right now I am going thru a skirt phase!
Look forward to seeing the photos of
your home makeover!
My husband Thomas is a cabinet maker
and I am a fabriaholic and a new
sewer. we're both into design furniture and planning to make quilt
together :)
I really love this pattern, I hope it's easy to make it more flare than fit.
Love the new site! Can't wait to see what you have coming up next.
I just happend to find your site. I had to bookmark it. That's a lovely dress and your quilts are so beautiful! Greetings from Germany!
Awesome patterns! I love the quilt design as well.. I need to learn how to quilt!
Thank you for the quilt pattern. Love your fabric and the last book!!
Your fabric's are beautiful! I think I have to buy all of them!
Beth from Sydney
Loving the dress patterns :-)
LOVE the Heirloom quilt pattern!!
Any of these patterns would be wonderful for me -- I like the flutter dress - thanks for the chance
I have been ohhing and ahhing the Empire Maxi dress since you first posted...patiently waiting and Googling to see if/when it was available...and now a chance to win..that would be the icing on the cake! Love each new line more than the previous if that is possible! Lisa in Texas
Love the patterns! It would be fun to try one out after I have this baby (and run about 1000 miles).
I love all the new patterns! I;m a huge fan of all your fabrics!
OHHHH Ive been waiting!!
Ahhhh... winning this would make me so happy!
I love your new line of fabrics and patterns.
Love the new fabrics, just waiting on the right project to use them!
I am dying to make the maxi dress, so I will be keeping my fingers crossed:) Love you guys, amazing talent!
I'd love to see photos of your reorganization/nesting. I have been feeling that way, too. I've tackled the kitchen, garage, and living room. Next up, my oldest daughter's room!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
You can not go wrong with a maxi dress, looks amazing!
Thes are gorgeous and would some lovely summer outfits
What great patterns!! I just ran across some on another blog and made it over here to check it out. It would be awesome to be able to try out one of your patterns. Thanks for the chance to try.
Oh my goodness your new patterns are to die for!!! I can think of 4 people straight away that would want me to sew them up a maxi.
I teach sewing lessons and love to see others find joy in sewing. I'm still learning a bit with clothing and would love to have more patterns to expand my skills. Finishing projects is such a thrill and sewing is my passion.
The fabrics are gorgeous!! I love the maxi dress pattern, especially with the fun fabrics!!
Love your fabrics!
I love your pattern!!They are beautiful.
I love the new patterns and the Heirloom collection is totally amazing! Thanks for a chance to win! :)
The heirloom fabrics are gorgeous! You all have been working hard. The dress patterns are very sweet and feminine. Love the vintage flutter pattern! Thanks for the giveaway.
The Heirloom collection....pure JOY!!! Would love to win, so fingers are crossed. Congrats on your great collection and wonderful patterns.
ALL of these patterns are awesome!! The meadow spirit skirt is definitely a must have! Love it!
Love your patterns and fabric. It would be nice to sew for me instead of my granddaughter (but of course she does look precious in what I make for her).
The fabric is great and the patterns I would love to try out.
i can't wait to get my hands on your patterns- they are fantastic!!
I hope I win, but if not I think I will be buying!!
I love them all. I am so excited to try my hand at sewing clothing. What fun patterns!
I love that maxi dress pattern! And such beautiful fabric lines! Thanks for the chance to win!
Your fabrics are so beautiful and I LOVE the empire maxi dress!
Oh those all look like so much fun. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the Hobo Bag pattern. And how fabulous to have the free downloadable quilt're blog is going into my favorites, right now!
I LOVE all of your fabrics! And I was so thrilled that you came out with some patterns too. I will be buying even if I don't win.
Came to look at the quilt and fell in love! Linked from Kari @ Ucreate!
I'm excited to come on back again and again!
What a lovely maxi dress. I like the three other new patterns too. So fun. :)
Wonderful patterns for a rapidly approaching Australian summer.
Thank you for this chance!
Anna K.
Would absolutely love to be picked as the winner!!!!!!!!!!
fantastic patterns, love your fabrics!!!
These are so cute! Thanks for the chance to win! I found you from UCreate, so fun!
I really love all your fabulous projects! I would love to win one of your patterns.
Lovely patterns, I especially like the In flight Hobo Bag!
This is so exciting! You have such beautiful fabric. I really like the Meadow Spirit Skirt for me and my girls.
Awesome! I love the maxi dress!
I love the hobo bag and the meadow spirit skirt, very cool giveaway, thanks!!
these are FABULOUS. would be honored to win these rockin patterns!!
what a great way to celebrate, count me in :)
Love all of the new fabrics, awesome!
I have to say I really like the new maxi dress pattern! Also your new line Heirloom!!
So excited about your dress patterns - they will be my first attempt at making clothes! Only bags and quilts so far!
Great giveaway! Sometimes it is enjoyable to take the time to "nest"!
The patterns look great, thank you for the giveaway!
I love the maxi dress! I saw a pic on u-create of your booth at the quilt market, and came to your blog to find out about the dress. I am so excited there is a pattern! I also love your designs!
SO inspired by your fabrics and patterns... thanks for the chance to win!
have only just found the blog, thank you for sharing your life with us all.
Stunning , love your fabrics & your clothing patterns are so classic but a twist of modern chic... Beautiful... as a interior decorator & designer I must say I am in love with your fabrics .... the colours are just so delightful & Yummy... Cant wait to see more
I want to go by tons of old chairs and recover them now. WOW!
Glad to see you back on your blog! Summer is all about a break in routine - I'm a teacher and mom - we love summer to feel "different," even though we still have obligations. The new patterns are so very pretty and of course all of your fabric collections rock!
I love Everything!!!! I am a new follower and Love your fabric and patterns.
Love the quilt and the sewing pattern! Good luck with all the re-doing!
What a beautiful pattern. I love your designs!
I love all these patterns, especially the inflight hobo bang and the Vintage Flutter dress!
anels26 (at) gmail (dot) com
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