Saturday, July 31, 2010
Before summer began, I had extremely grand ambitions of what work-related projects I would be able to accomplish during these school-free days. I had the crazy notion that having my kids home ALL day, EVERY day would somehow make it easier for me to get stuff done. I know. What was I thinking? Now that we’re already seven weeks into summer and I've only managed to complete one thing on my list, I’ve finally realized that I was a bit delusional. For over two months now I’ve been meaning to sew baby blankets to give as gifts for a couple of new additions to our extended family, but I didn’t get around to actually completing them until this week. I made one for our nephew born in June and one for our niece who will be born early this fall. (At least I’m ahead of the game for one of them.)

Both the bird and butterfly appliqué patterns can be found in Joel’s new book, “Sewn Spaces.” I wasn’t sure the appliqué would work on the minky material, but both patterns worked beautifully, and I was really pleased with the result. If you would like to make one yourself, here are the instructions:
1. Copy and size the patterns as desired.
2. Cut a 38” X 32” piece of both the printed fabric and the minky material.
3. Iron a piece of wonder under interfacing on the back of each fabric scrap you are using for the appliqué pieces; trace and cut out your pieces.
4. Peel the backing off of the wonder under and place your pattern pieces where you want on the minky material. Iron the pieces in place, being careful to not iron out the textured dots in the minky material.
5. Sew around each of the appliqué pieces using either a tight zig-zag stitch (as shown on the bird blanket) or an appliqué stitch (as shown on the butterfly blanket).
*I sewed the appliqué stitch about 1/8” from the edge of the butterflies to allow it to fray a little bit.
6. Thread an embroidery needle with three strands of floss (as shown on the bird blanket) or one strand of crewel wool (as shown on the butterfly blanket). Use a stem stitch to embroider both the butterfly antennae and the name.
*For stitching the name, I printed out the font I liked best and traced it onto the material.
* I found that embroidery floss worked much better than the crewel wool. But, if you're stubborn like me and love the aggravation of having to rethread your needle every 5 minutes, go right ahead.
7. With RIGHT sides together, sew around the edges of both the printed and minky fabrics, leaving about a 6” opening on one side to be able to turn the blanket.
8. Turn the blanket and topstitch around the edge of the blanket about 1/2” from the sides.
So, in celebration of the fact that I actually completed a project (or two) in spite of the fact that our kids interrupted me every 10 minutes while I worked, Joel and I are giving away one copy of his book, “Sewn Spaces.” If you would like to enter for a chance to win, leave a comment telling us your favorite baby gift to give, or receive. We’ll announce the winner on Monday, August 9th.

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»I loved having all the handmade blankets we received when we had our babies.
I like to make quilts for new babies, something handmade is a gift of love.
Congrats on crossing something off your list! The blankets look lovely :)
I haven't yet reached the age where my friends are having babies, but I love seeing the variety of baby quilts on Flickr and in blogs I read.
My favorite is a quilt, but I would usually include a few appliqued bibs-my kids wore bibs full time as they were urpy babies and probably went thru at least 5 a day!
For bitty babies, I love to give the long-sleeved onesies with the mittens so they don't scratch themselves! And once baby is born, I always buy larger clothes as a gift (usually 18-24 months size) since newborns grow out of the itty bitty clothing so fast. For handmade goodies, I like to give bibs and burp cloths.
A quilt or a handmade outfit for baby
You can't go past a beautiful quilt as a gift. I recently saw the cutest knitted rattles that look like ice cream in cones,they were so cute! I love your bird applique!! Congratulations on getting one thing done, better one than none!
I like to crochet flower hexagon blankets for new babies using soft colours like peach,lemon yellow,pink,soft and the final row in cream or white it just makes the flowers pop :) Barb.
I love to give baby sized quilts, but that gets pretty hard when every one and their sister is pregnant! I guess I'm sticking with baby clothes for now :)
I love giving floor is so handy to have something soft and beautiful to throw on the floor for the babes...not to mentoin what a lovely backdrop they make for photos!
I love to give a nice-sized quilt that can be thrown on the floor or grown into. When that's just not possible, I really like to give an over-sized stuffed animal, to sit the baby next to and take pictures as the baby gets older and bigger. It's amazing how quickly that 'over-sized' toy isn't so over-sized!
Love those baby blankets! So personal!
And how I would love to win a copy of your book 'Sewn Spaces'!
Have a lovely Sunday.
Those are wonderful blankets! I think I like to receive baby quilts the most for my babies because they are so lasting and so special. I enjoy giving them, too!
Those baby blankets look great! I am just about to start sewing for a baby boy to be born in about 2 weeks. Of course I am thinking baby quilt... but also thinking about coordinating changing bag. These baby blankets could be part of the package... but see how far I get. Not running away with too many ideas as time is short! (more ideas than time.. changing mat, bottle warmer, bib, burb cloth, rattle, cloth bunny, etc etc...) Would love to add to the list with your book! It is looking as if it is great inside! Can't wait to see.
I love to give either a quilt or cloth diapers (made by me). Baby shoes are always good for an emergency gift, they are so quick to make.
I love to give either a quilt or cloth diapers (made by me). Baby shoes are always good for an emergency gift, they are so quick to make.
I would like to give a quilt or a diaper bag!
I like to give a handmade soft toy and a cherry pit pillow with a customized cover - you´ll just love it, when the 3-months-colics start!
I love giving bib and burp clothes that match. I think I might try one of your blankets!
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!
I loved getting quilts and knitted blankets. You can never have too many.
I love to give quilts as baby gifts and I just finished one up the other day. I also like to make them a little bigger so that the baby grows into the quilt and they can both move from the crib to the toddler bed together.
Thanks for sharing your tips on working with applique on minkee. I've yet to work with minkee. Very soft and sweet blankets. My favorite baby gift to give is a quilt--to special people in my life. I usually keep some on hand so there is no last minute rushing to get it done. I need to restock! For some reason summer is busy when your kids are grown too--all that moving them to and fro.
i always make blankets for baby's. i have a friend with 4 kids, and they all have an aunt stacey blanket. (one is 6, and he just got his, and he sleeps with it on his bed and displays it there during the day!!) talk about touch my heart!!! i told their mom recently that when they get bigger and outgrow them i will make them big boy ones!!
I love making blankets, you can never have enough.
I'm new to quilting, but I have made several quilts for friends that they loved.
I love making keepsakes, like a quilt. What beautiful blankets!
My favorite baby gift is anything handmade of course. It usually depends on the parents I'm gifting to. I love handmade name pillows or personalized blankets. I got to browse the new book at the bookstore the other day and it is just fabulous!
My favourite baby gift to give if a quilt (of course)! I just love idea that one of my quilts will keep a baby warm, will be played with and loved (and occasionally spit up on), and will one day become something of a link between the baby they once were and the grown up person they become.
My last baby gift was a quilt with a laundry bag appliqued with the baby's name. My niece lives in an apartment and she was thrilled that Joseph go this own laundry bag...
I am a quilter so I love to give them as baby gifts. I also love to give handmade gifts like baby booties or christening gowns.
Thanks for the opportunity to win Sewn Spaces.
I love giving (and receiving) baby quilts. You can never have too many :)
I love the blankets my mom has made, but probably the most special are the afghans that were crocheted by my husband's grandma. We have two daughters who both received one. Our little Kelsey had a note with hers that it was going to be the last baby afghan that grandma would be able to make because of her hands and arthritis. It is so special to know that she took the time through pain even, to make something so lovely for our daughter.
These quilts are beautiful; my son loves his minky-backed blanket and puts it on his pillow "soft side up" every night. I sure that these will be loved!
In addition to baby quilts, I really like to make (and give) large simple blankets with how-to-swaddle instructions as well as stuffed animals that are made with love and just the right size for little hands to hold.
I usually make a rag quilt, but will try your idea next time.
Thanks for this project and giveaway! I always make quilts, but I want to learn to make bibs and burp clothes for some cheaper, faster gifts.
I like to give baby blankets and bibs that match. Thank you for the give away. Your blankets are beautiful.
I usually give some small toy animal with a little rattle inside away.
I should try to make a little baby blanket for the next time, though, yours are amazing!
I made a pair of mary jane baby shoes for a baby once. They were so fun and so cute !
I like to give the flannel receiving blankets that I crochet around the edge. I've been doing that for years, maybe I should make a change! I love your two blankets! Thanks for the chance to win the book!
I like to give diaper burp cloths trimmed with flannel and a matching flannel blanket, made the same way you described here.
I also am a fan of cotton footie pajamas with zippers for those late night, brain dead diaper changes. No snaps to fumble with.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love buying plain cloth diapers and "jazzing" them up with fabric for burp towels.....
My favorte baby gifts tthat I received were books..."Goodnight Moon", "The Big Hungry Bear", among others...and now those are my favorite gifts to give.
I love giving crocheted blankets that I make sitting on the couch with my hubby watching tv. Small, simple, easy to wash.
I love giving baby quilts. They are fun to make and I think are greatly appreciated.
I love to make either a quilt or a crocheted baby blanket. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!
I'm envious of all you quilters and your beautifully crafted gifts. But since I'm a teacher, my favorite baby gift is 2 books: Good Night Moon and the Runaway Bunny, both by Margaret Wise Brown. They never go out of style. Mothers and babies cherish them.
I USED to love to give a Snugli (baby carrier that you carry your baby on your chest in), but now I love to give a quilt with bibs or other small handmade gift.
I love to make a baby quilt and homemade bibs. I usually choose colourful fabrics and so far have had great results.
My new favorite is to make a hand quilted baby quilt. Right now I am making my first for a grandniece due in December and also want to make one for another grand expected in January. Would love to win Joel's book (especially if it is autographed). Thank you for this giveaway and am happy that you are enjoying the summer with your kids.
Such cute blankets! I love to give baby blankets, but my favorite is those tiny newborn-sized t-shirts so that baby has something to wear right away, when they still have their little umbilical cord stump.
I love giving and receiving quilts!
I always give some sort of cute little quilt! :)
I usually give quilts but flannel receiving blankets and bibs (Home made of course) are really great gifts too!
Since I'm so over receiving baby gifts, but not that far away to not remember what I received, here's my fav gift to get: My friends made me an 'eye spy' quilt for my youngest son. The label has his name, their names it's a great memory of when he was born. My fav gift to give -- and I'm the lucky aunt twice this year -- is a diaper bag that I made.
I love to make quilts for baby gifts. The mommy's are always so pleased and it is fun to hear the oohs and ahhs at the baby shower as they pass it around.
I love to give hand made baby blankets and burps at baby showers. Those were my favorite gifts to receive when mine were babies :) Congrats on the new nephew and the soon to be born niece. My sister and sil just had babies too (the same week!)
Having become a mom for the first time this March, I have really been inspired to sew baby presents more than ever. Right now I am enjoying sewing an elephant plush toy that I found a great pattern for, or small and simple "teething blankets" with lots of ribbons for the baby to chew on. Our little one will be getting his very soon. As for what I like to receive is just about anything handmade... it is so much more special that way.
I like to make the little taggie blankets with minkie and add colorful ribbons all around the edges.
My favorite gift to give or receive is simple, soft baby quilts.
I think the best gift to give is anything handmade. I loved receiving soft baby blankets for my babies and now love to make them for others. Thank you!
I have a 7 week old baby, so this is my world right now! My favorite gifts are the ones that the giver is excited about. Handmade things of course I have loved, but also items that the giver thought would be especially helpful or cute.
The baby blankets are wonderful! I like to give a basket filled with a lovely, an appliqued onesie, bibs, burp cloths and little booties. sang(at)gci(dot)net
baby blankets and quilts are the perfect gift for a new born baby!
Baby blankets or quilts are my favorite handmade baby gifts. Thanks for the giveaway.
I either give a flannel receiving blanket or a quilt depending on how much time I have and how well I know them.
I like to do burp cloths for new babies. Would love to own a copy of Joel's book. Many thanks!
Great giveaway! Thank you! I liked getting hand made blankets the best. And I really appreciated all the packages of diapers too! :0)
Such a cute idea and with the Minkee it has to feel fabulous!
I always love giving homemade burp cloths. Who can't use those with a new baby???
I really like your Minkee baby quilts! I'd love to see the other projects in Joel's book. My favorite baby gift is a quilt, of course.
I love to give and receive handmade quilts or blankets with the baby's name and birthdate. It is useful and a keepsake at the same time. The instructions above may be perfect for my next baby gift!
I enjoyed both giving and receiving burp clothes. You can decorate the cloth diapers so cutely and also double flannel is fun to make them out of. Thanks for the chance! I'd love some new ideas. LOL :-)
I love to give hand made bibs as a baby gift if I have time I like to add a flannel burp cloth or two that are so simple to make with a serger.
And of course a baby quilt is always appropriate for a special birth!
I love to give chenille bib and burp cloth sets!
deserae (at) gmail (dot) com
I love you guys, your fabric, your vision!!! And I hey I'll live this book!!
I just went to a baby shower for my niece on Saturday and I gave her my favorite gift - I made her a baby quilt!
I love to give a baby quilt and matching booties.
When our babies were born my husband's mother would quilt a tricot and flannel quilt and my mom would crochet around the edges. Now I have my own grand-daughter and grand nieces and nephews I am carrying on the tradition. The quilts you made this summer are perfect!
Favorite gift to give: handmade country basket (by my mom) lined with a diaper and filled with baby lotion, powder, pins, a bib, and other needed baby items. I'd love to win your book.
My favorite gift to give right now is a sweet pair of quilted baby shoes. Shoes that small are always going to be adorable and they are fast (and cheap) to make! They're a great gift for all of my neighbors who seem to keep getting pregnant. I think there is something in the water. ha
I love to make flannel receiving blankets and burpcloths and then crochet around the edges. Cute and practical! I love your minky blankets. Adorable!!
I enjoy putting together an assortment of items like socks, burpcloths, onsies with a soft stuffed animal. I use a receiving blanket as wrapping paper and tie with ribbon.
I give baby quilts as gifts selecting colors theparents select for their new joyful bundle. My own son, now 2, still sleeps with the one I made for him, as well as another that was a gift from a friend. Something special made just for him!
Homemade gifts are the best, and these are charming. I'd love to win and would put it to good use.
I love giving blankets they are so warm and cozy, this year I am going to give a quilt..this is my first year quilting so I feel I can do it
Gorgeous finishes. I love the butterflies on Addison's quilt.
My favourite gift would be a quilt or clothes for 6-9 months.
My favourite gifts to give are a quilt and a book.
I like to give a book ,like the Runaway Bunny and a stuffed bunny to go along with it
Favorite to give is burp cloths and diapers. Two things that are practical and everyone needs!
GIFT TO GIVE:Love to hide a little book inside a quilt I've made.
Thanks for sharing,love,Linda
I like to give something that is hand made ..... be it a quilt, knitted/crocheted blanket......burp pads. Books are great too.
I love, love, love to give Minky blankies!!!
I love giving handmade cloth books for baby!
Handmade baby towels!
we got some of the most wonderful blankets, my daughter named them after the people they came from when she was old enough.
Anything handmade!
My favorite baby gift to give is something I've made. Mostly I like blankets, but I've done some hand embroidered onsies that I've liked too.
Thanks so much!
I love making blankets and burp cloths.
im new to sewing but its just a great way to give personalized gifts that youve put your heart and effort in. ive been doing doll quilts and shirred dresses for baby girls. for boys ive stuck to bibs and burp clothes. thanks for the giveaway!
im new to sewing but its just a great way to give personalized gifts that youve put your heart and effort in. ive been doing doll quilts and shirred dresses for baby girls. for boys ive stuck to bibs and burp clothes. thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway!
My favorite baby gift to give is a ring sling. Super handy to free up mom's hands, and promotes bonding of mother and baby. I couldn't have lived without mine, and they're easily customizable to the mom and baby, and simple to make!
Love the blankets you made - so personal also with the names! I love to give baby blankets and personalized burp cloths. My daughters love those!
Thanks for the opportunity to enter - I would love to win your book!
Laura T
I love giving handmade quilts! all my quilts are usually huge so I love a chance to make a baby sized one.
I love to give a quilt but most times it's receiving blankets and a couple of onesies! You can't have too many of THOSE!!!
What a great question! I love to give self made baby quilts - and if there is time I'll add a little stuffed animal as well. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like to give a quilt that the child will drag around, make tents out of, etc.
I always give baby quilts with instructions that the quilts are to be used to shreds! These patterns are adorable!
I'm pretty new to sewing, but have been a knitter for many years. I love handknits for babies - there is something so sweet about little baby clothes and washable yarns at that!
I just love your fabrics, bright and bold! I like to give a fabric baby announcement wall hanging thingy!
My favorite thing to give is a soft blanket and the minkie is so, so soft. I made one minkie quilt but have purchased the others. I'd love to have the book - thanks for a chance to win.
My favorite thing to give new babies is handmade quilts/blankets....I also like to give handmade fabric postcards that new parents can send as a keepsake accouncing the arrival of their bundle of joy!
My favorite baby gift I have given was some personalized flannel swaddle wraps that had velcro to keep the baby cozy. My sister snuck some pictures of some robot art by the father that I then hand embroidered onto the top flap. The parents loved it!
My favorite baby gift to give is a handmade blanket or quilt.
Knitted sweater for my son with little teddy bear buttons, too sweet! I like to give bibs because they're an easy peasy gift to sew:)
my favorite non-handmade gift is diapers. am i a bummer or what?
My favorite gift to give is a diaper bag with changing pad for on-the-go moms!
My favorite baby gift I received for both my girls were the quilts my mom made each of them. Now I enjoy making quilts for my friends babies.
I love bibs!
Anything handmade, then I save it for their kids to enjoy as well!
I like to make large receiving blankets using 2 1 1/4 yard pieces of flannel, sew right sides together & leave a space to turn right side out, slip stitch the opening
These blankets are so amazing...great job Laurie!! I would LOVE to get my hands on Joel's new book, too!!
Precious blankets! Baby blankets are my favorite gift to give and are some of the sweetest gifts I received. I've made knitted, crochet and quilted blankets. It warms my heart to see them in use!
Favorite gift to give- flannel burp rags.
I love to give a quilt that doubles as a play mat/ rug too
Blankets and quilts- so many uses and something jingly- wooden bell cage rattle
I almost always make a quilt. I love to make them and this gives me an excuse and a deadline. :) I love to receive books. Esp. the classics not cheapy dollar store ones. Thanks for the giveaway!
My goodness, what a tough question! I love making things for little people. Hmmm...I have a great rag quilt that is a standby at I also love knitting up little sweaters or animal friends for them. Thanks for the give-away! You guys are such an inspiration!!
i love baby quilts. They are a great gift and are usually quick to do and being smaller makes it all easier. The applique on the minke looks great.Thanks for the giveaway
I usually turn to the knitting needles for baby gifts. My grandmother knitted blankies for all of my babies and I have been doing the same for my grandbabies.
I would love a copy of Sewn Spaces - I need to spruce things up around the house.
I have made my nieces and nephews their own little quilt. I made them once they were born and knowing their names helped me pick fabrics {most of the time!} I cherish the cross stitch birth samplers my sister made for my children. A longstanding family traditon - my mom received one for each of us from one of her sister-in-laws. Thanks for the chance to win. Love your appliqued butterflies!
Handmade baby blankets are definitely the best baby gift, to give or to receive! Those blankets are so cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
I like creating matching appliqued burp cloths and bibs, and often add a fleece blanket that I've bound with matching fabric and a monogram. I love your two blankets shown in this post.
These look so fresh and crisp with the white minky! Thanks for the tute! AND the lovely giveaway :)
Lots of bibs and washers - you can never have too many and new ones are nice for subsequent babies, too.
I am having a new baby boy in about 3-4 weeks so it is fun to recieve gifts. I love handmade gifts such as blankies with matching burp cloths. They are always wonderful to receive.
homemade gifts are absolutely wonderful to give, but when I don't have sewing time, robbies are a great gift!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Quilts, burp cloths and bags to organize the diaper bag. virginiamae(at)
Those are just precious!! Can't wait to try...
I love giving clothes to my neices and new nephew. Especially my nieces though. I can dress them like me!
I love giving quilts! The last one I gave away was made of Modern Meadow!
Love your blankies!! Thank you for the tutorial and the giveaway! I love to give something handmade, like an embellished onsie, with something store bought, like a matching rattle, or a baby care starter kit.
I loved all of the monogrammed things we received when my son was born - onesies with his first initial monogrammed on the front and that kind of thing. So far, my favorite baby gift to give is a stuffed owl or burp cloths.
I love the idea and the fabric. I would love to have the book. Thanks for the opportunity!
I love to make a quilt for a baby shower gift.
One of my favorite gifts to give are the Nalgene sippy cups. We work at a Christian camp so a baby Nalgene the perfect gift to give!
I love to give soft, flannel receiving blankets. The ready made ones are way too small!
I usually give a receiving blanket and some burp cloths. If I am in a time crunch--you know because 9 months is not enough--I love to give books. I love the books that my baby got that people wrote inside the cover. How special!!
i loved the supersoft blanket we got for my daughter~! love this tutorial!
I love to receive anything handmade- I love to give books. Thanks for the great tutorial.
My go-to baby gift is a handmade swaddle blanket using the Pod Swaddler pattern. I wish I'd had one when my little ones were wee ones. Thank you for the giveaway.
These blankets are so cute, I must try to make one! I am actually a cake decorator and love to make the baby shower cake as my gift. I also enjoy giving a handmade baby journal.
Handmade is the only way to go... and I love these. I try to make a fabric basket that coordinates with the burp cloth/ Bib and Taggie Blanket set that I put in it!
My friends only recently started having babies, so I don't have much experience with giving baby gifts and I have NO experience receiving them.
The one I like best that I've heard of is to give frozen dinners (casseroles, soup, etc) so that right after baby is born, Mom and Dad don't have to cook!
I love to give homemade bookplates and books.
I like to make quilts and taggie blankets. Your blankets are adorable@!!
I like to make quilts and taggie blankets. Your blankets are adorable@!!
I love receiving baby blankets and also like to give them as baby gifts!
jenlea2000 at hotmail dot com
Love to make baby blankets/quilts. There is so much love to put into them, esp. for grandchildren. And my other love is to make them for little ones in a hospital or shelter situation.
Receiving anything handmade is always a real gift to me. I feel the person's love is embedded in the gift they personally created. Giving handmade gifts is great too because you are creating an item out of love for someone else.
Must be kismet, I was reading your vacation post and thinking I really need to get his book while I'm out tomorrow. But, I'll wait...just in case. My favorite baby item to give is a baby quilt, along with a crocheted or patched blanket for the other siblings so they don't feel left out.
I like to give anything. Embellished onesies, burpcloths, blankets, stuffed animals. It's all fun to make and give.
I'm excited about the book! Thanks for sharing.
ilovepaulduersch at gmail dot com
As a nana to three grandchildren, I love to make items for them. Several of my family and friends have had me make minky blankets, quilts, onesies, burp clothes and bibs for gifts. I enjoy any and all of the above. Now I have started making toddler clothes and doll clothes. What fun!
When I was first learning to sew, I went crazy making small crinkle squares with ribbon tags. Now that those babies are toddlers, I've moved on to reusable snack bags.
burp cloths...especially cute unique ones!!
Really anything homemade. I just gave my SIL a diaper purse and matching appliqué on a onsie. It was fun and great to see her surprise. I'll probably do the same for any future SIL's that have babies.
I love making baby blankets, whether they be quilts or a plush blanket with satin trim and then embroider their names or initials on it.
I love to receive anything handmade - bibs, burp cloths, blankets, etc.
Those blankets are adorable!
ronandwhit (at) gmail (dot) com
I love making baby quilts!
I love to give handmade gifts, and I love to receive cute cloth diapers.
I love giving quilts to my family and cannot count the ones I have given for babies to family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and charity. I need Joel's book to make a gift for my soon to be great-grand-child!!! Thanks for giving me a chance to win it.
I love homemade gifts to give and receive. Usually I put a bit of love into making that special blanket or sweater set I crocheted. My latest project though has been a shopping cart cover! It was pretty cute too. I also like to sew baby blankets for charity so that more babies can be wrapped in love!
My favourite baby gift to give is a quilt! And my favourite baby gift to receive is anything homemade!
My favorite baby gifts to give and receive are homemade blankets. I've never personalized one before, and I'd like to try the applique idea!
Hi. My favourite baby gift to give or have received is a tree. It is so nice to watch the child and tree grow in tandem ... something with blossom seems particularly appropriate. Would love to win your inspirational book - could then use your inspirational fabric to make something! From a new crafter and a new blogger!
My favorite gift to give is a quilt and crib sheets. Making baby things is one of my favorite things to do. One of my nieces still has the baby quilt I made for her 26 years ago!
i made a baby hat for a friend, i hope it was an ok gift, i personally like hats, socks, and bibs.
My favorite to get and give are blankets or quilts. I have kept each handmade blanket or quilt that was made for each of my kiddos!
My favorite gift to give is a scrapbook/photo album starting with pictures of the parents before the birth.
I love to make baby blankets, shoes, and anything else handmade. This tutorial is amazing. I love the colors and textures.
Thanks for giveaway - I love this book! My favourite idea for a baby gift, apart from a handmade quilt (obviously!) is a slow cooker. Ideal for a new mum!
Of course the favorite baby gift I like to give is a quilt I've made! But I saw something at my sis-in-law's shower that I thought was really neat... someone gave her a card with 2 or 3 restaurant giftcards and a handful of carryout menus. Since new parents usually have NO time I thought that was a really thoughtful gift!!
anything handmade is always an appreciated gift...I enjoy giving burb clothes and taggie blankets
i think a cute soft toy
is always usefull and nice
i love the homemade, personalized gifts!
Love to make personalized baby quilts as gifts. The ones I received for my babies are treasures!
I love these blankets....really neat idea! I would be thrilled with a copy of this book.
I love the blanket. Is the front...or back fabric just regualar fabric or is that a minky print as well?
Now that I am more confident in my sewing, a quilt/blanket with a handmade diaper/wipes case to match seems to be the go to project for me.
My favorite baby gift to give has always been children's books, but since I've become a quilter over the last two years, I'd love to give a baby quilt as a gift.
I give home made taggie blankets and binki clips with a pack of binkis.
I love to give baby quilts, and square burp cloths with trendy fabric. I love the minky fabric, so soft!! These are beautiful blankets that I'm sure your family will love for years!! Great job!
I like to give something homemade for baby gifts. Dresses for girls and blankets for boys. I have never appliqued before and would love the book to get some patterns
I love to give nursing covers. I've started making a cute little bag to put it in with a pocket for Mommy's stuff too.
I love to give nursing covers. I've started making a cute little bag to put it in with a pocket for Mommy's stuff too.
I love giving quilts ... but don't always have enough time! I like the idea of a fast baby blanket like this one!!
I love to give receiving blankets and matching burp cloths and mittens are fun too. I also love to make headbands (out of tights) and flower clips if they are having a girl.
I loved your blankets and will be trying to make a few of my own for gifts. I love to make blankets and quilts and the sew matching burp clothes for gifts!
A favorite baby gift of mine to give is a baby blanket made out of flannel with satin blanket binding. I use two yards of fabric and when it is refolded the blankets come out to be a wonderful size that most mothers love because it is bigger than the receiving blanket size.
One of the best things I received was a homemade Moby wrap. LOVE it.
At the last baby shower I attended, I gave the mother to be a set of coordinating fabric. She loves to sew, and I think she really enjoyed being given some cute fabric. I would love to receive some really darling fabric that I would be able to use however I desired.
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